rino.dのブログーです dはdaidojiのdですが、兄のパスポートはスペルがdaidoujiらしい いいのかな? かぞくじゃないことになっちゃわないのか? でもわたしは小学校の時からdaidojiで通してまーす弟もいまーす yolosiku!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Stinky Footer's beautiful TOKIO!!!!!!!!!!

last weeeeeek I and EUGY had a beautiful holiday in TOKIO!!!!!!!!!!!
That is his first TOKIO, and I bring him to special tour~!
And we also made new band name is "The Stinky Footers"!!!
'Cause our foot was stinky everyday.....
Maybe now we'er keeping stinky...
'Cause we are "The Stinky Footers"!!!!!!!!!
I'm guitar, and Eugy is dram.
But I never tried to play guitar.....

TSF(The Stinky Footers) made by one small Mad Japanese girl and one small Stupid Itarian boy.
And sometimes Yoyo join as a cooker!

And Eugy======!
Next our gig will have in Itary CESENA!!(maybe..)
Everything depend on my economy.....
If you wanna have a practice, give me your skyp account ASAP!

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